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BMW 3 Series E36 Fuses and Relay Diagrams


In this guide, we'll explain the location of the fuses and relays in the BMW 3 Series E36 (1990 – 2000).

In this guide, we will try to figure out where the fuses and relays are located on BMW 3 series E36 generation cars (1990 – 2000).

On vehicles with petrol engines, the fuses are located in a fuse box in the rear of the engine compartment, on the left side. The circuits protected by the fuses are indicated on the cover of the unit.

On vehicles with diesel engines, the fuses are located in two boxes, one in the engine compartment and one under the rear seat. The fuses are of the plug-in type, each with its own color and gauge of fusible link. There is also an 80A fuse installed near the battery under the rear seat that protects all circuits powered directly from the battery.

Fuse Box in the Engine Compartment

Fuse Box in the Engine Compartment

Relays List

Relay NumberProtected Circuits
K2Horn relay;
K4Heating blower relay;
K10ABS safety relay;
K13Rear window heater relay;
K16Relay-interrupter for direction indicators and alarm;
K19Air conditioning compressor relay;
K21Relay for the electric drive of the radiator fan (air conditioning) of the 1st stage;
K22Relay for the electric drive of the radiator fan (air conditioning), 2nd stage;
K46High beam headlamp relay;
K47Fog lamp relay;
K48Low beam headlamp relay;
K75Pump motor relay ABC;
K6300Main relay of the Motronic ignition / injection system;
K6301Fuel pump relay;
K6303Lambda probe heating relay.

Fuses List

Fuse NumberAmperageProtected Circuits
F215ATrailer socket
F330AHeadlamp washer / cleaner
F415AHeated seat
F530APower seat
F620AHeated rear window
F75AIgnition switch heater, central locking, anti-theft system, convertible roof drive
F920AAudio system
F1030AABS / TCS electronic control unit, active suspension system
F117,5AHeadlight – left
F135APower windows – rear (2-door models
F1430APower windows
F157.5AFog lights – front, instrument cluster
F165AECM, air conditioning
F177,5ARear fog lamps
F1815AFuel pump
F1915A / 30APower windows-rear. (4-door models / convertible
F2010AAir conditioning / heating system
F215AABS / TCS electronic control unit, active suspension system
F225AFog lights
F235ASeat heaters, instrument cluster, clock, trip computer, turn signals, ABS, engine compartment lamp, heater, heated rear window, fog lights, headlamp relay
F2415AHeated windscreen washer nozzles, power door mirrors, parking aid
F255ALight switch (headlights / fog lights
F2610AReversing lights, gear selector, oxygen sensor, diagnostic connector, fuel heater
F275AAnti-lock braking system / traction control, instrument cluster, trip computer
F285AECM, ECM, ECM, cruise control ECM
F297.5AHigh beam – left headlight
F307,5AHigh beam – headlamp right
F3115AInstrument panel, clock, trip computer, anti-theft system, central locking signal control module, air conditioning system
F3230ACigarette lighter fuse
F3310ALamps / Tails – Left Engine compartment lamp, interior lamps, charging connector, anti-theft system, telephone, door lock heater
F3430AIndicator / hazard lamps, shock sensor (anti-theft system
F3525ACentral locking, retractable roof drive
F3630AWindscreen wiper / washer control module
F3710ALamps, front and rear, right
F397,5AA / C compressor electromagnetic clutch relay
F4030APower seat
F4130AA / C condenser blower motor
F427.5ASRS Roll-Over Protection System (Convertible
F435AInterior lamps, anti-theft system, central locking, telephone, convertible roof drive
F4415AWindscreen wiper / washer control module, glove compartment lamp, audio system, anti-theft system
F457.5ATrip computer, auxiliary alarm unit
F467.5AInstrument panel, brake lights, cruise control

Relay Box in the Passenger Compartment

It is located under the dashboard on the left side.

Cars, produced before 1996

Relay NumberProtected Circuits
1Power window / sunroof relay
2Control unit (in case of emergency)
3Heater blower motor relay
4Headlight washer / washer relay
5Windshield / headlight wiper control unit
6Window regulator motor relay – rear 2-door models

Cars, produced after 1996

Relay NumberProtected Circuits
1Power window / sunroof relay
2Control unit (weld)
3Heater blower motor relay
7Fuse 48 (40A), AC – 316i / 318i

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